Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chakras and Sound

In Hinduism, Chakras are the "wheels" or centers of energy located along the midline of the body. The concepts have since spread around the globe, and many alternative therapies recognize their power. While the number of chakras is debatable, most will agree that there are seven major ones, and several smaller ones. Each governs a different area of life or even nature. Each corresponds with a certain color, a function, an emotion, and yes, a sound.

When the chakras are in a state of disharmony, energy flow becomes blocked or 'closed'. This energy, or 'prana' can powerfully affect all areas of life. Often compared to spinning flowers or lotus', the chakras can be felt in the body from root to crown. Sadly, many people are cut off from their bodies, from experiencing the energy moving through it. Our bodies shut down in defense after traumas, or our worlds demand a desensitized self. Attending to these blocks can happen in all sorts of ways. The goal is to open the chakra and free the blocked energy, evolving to a new state of consciousness and experience.

This site claims their chakra test can reveal your body blockages, while others suggest using a pendulum to seek out imbalances. I think that it really depends on the person and some e-quiz won't tell you much. This being a sound healing blog, lets explore the chakras for each sound. Its been done before, and below are videos which will walk us through the experience. Did it work for you? As I'm finding out, sound is inescapable. It can penetrate us to the core and beyond. So much of it is white noise, gossip, bogus .. what a fresh breath of air to hear intentional stuff.

(Side note: Judith Anodea wrote this book "Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to Self" that is really great. As the name suggests, it compares the chakra system to the models of psychological development created by Maslow and others. It's got lovely diagrams but I can't find them to post online.. ah well..)

I'm loving this one, Mom or not! Its a nice meditation that has a diagram if you need a basic understanding of how energy can flow through the body.

sources and other good articles:

This website has a feature which lets you roll over the Chakra to hear the note: http://www.soundessence.net/chakras.php

This website focuses on the didgeridoo for its healing qualities, but also has quite a bit of information on each Chakra:

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