On one of his CD's for "The Ultimate Brain", respected Sound Healer Tom Kenyon describes the behavior of a brain wave. He uses the example of standing on a cliff, looking out at waves on the ocean. From above, you can see the top of one wave and differentiate it from the next. Like the waves in the ocean, brain waves are also measured by their frequencies. These frequencies are based upon cycles per seconds, or hertz (abbreviated Hz). . Depending upon how quickly these waves are moving, they are classified into 4 main categories. The frequencies are measured by attaching electrodes to someone's head, and utilizing a device called an electroencephalogram (EEG). The EEG measures the electromagnetic field coming off of clusters of brain cells, which are pulsing at different speeds. Again, it is the speed or frequencies of these cells which determines which brain state is engaged.
The four main categories of brain states are Delta, Alpha, Beta, and Theta.

Delta is the slowest of the brain states. A delta wave is usually measured between .5 and 4 cycles per second or Hz, and the brain state correlated with it is one of deep sleep and unconsciousness.
Theta is next, with waves measuring between 4 and 7 Hz. This is the dream state of REM sleep (dreams), lucid dreaming, hypnosis and the barely conscious state just before sleeping and just after waking. Theta is correlated with the internal experience.
Alpha brain waves are measured at 7-13 Hz, and occur during deep relaxation and meditation. When in alpha, a person is relaxed, yet aware of the external world. It is said that this brain state is common to those who meditate, but also arises for athletes when they fall into "the zone". It is a tranquil state of mind and an important state for healing and creativity.
Beta is the brain state corresponding with external engagement, or daily life. Usually measured between 13-40 Hz, Beta waves reflect a state where energy is directed outward. Normal waking consciousness, problem solving and thinking usually take place during beta states.
A fifth stage, Gamma, is measured at 40+ Hz, and is the state of hyper-alertness, and perception, but usually it is the first four states which are focused upon.

Many artists, musicians and healers have utilized brain states to induce these different levels of consciousness. Usually, it is theta and alpha which are considered for their therapeutic value, although a person must have enough alpha activity in order to reach these states. Indeed, there are often multiple states in action at once, depending upon which part of the brain is being measured.
Tom Kenyon considers alpha and theta states to be a "magic window", citing research which has shown stress levels to drop during these states. Blood pressure, stress hormones and heart rate all have been seen to drop during alpha and theta states. The rhythmic waves of these states suggest that the body spontaneously goes into a self-healing mode.
sources for info. and graphics:
Tom Kenyon's "The Ultimate Brain"
Jeffrey Campbell's " The Power of Sound"
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